Saturday, April 20, 2019

New York Times headline April 20, 2019

Notre-Dame’s Safety Planners Underestimated the Risk, With Devastating Results
The man who oversaw the design of the fire safety system at the cathedral said he was “stunned” at the fire’s speed. Experts said the system included delays that cost firefighters critical minutes

Monday, April 15, 2019

Where we came from

Light on the path; or, The way heavenward
By John Kirk

REVIVALS of religion are of various kinds. The people in one case are moved with a deep sense of sin; in another by the anticipation of judgment and the future punishment of the wicked; and yet again the revival may be got up simply by the exertions of a few people who think it is time that such a movement should be taking place. A fourth way in which a revival of religion may be brought about is through the revelation to some individual of the bright side of divine things. By Providence this man is put in such circumstances that the Divine mercy becomes apparent to him as it had not been before; that mercy and loving-kindness in the Gospel becomes so magnified that he is constrained to tell others about it. The results of this realisation of God's goodness upon himself being strength... purity, and joy unbounded, he feels, as he regards the cold and dead condition of multitudes of Christians and the darkness of the lost and sinful, that were they, his fellow-creatures, but to see in their God what he sees, they must also experience joy and strength. As a live coal laid upon a heap of faggots, so is this man amongst his fellows The flame of truth catches everywhere, and perhaps not only is a Church revived but a nation born...